Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas mattis nisi felis, vel ullamcorper dolor. Integer iaculis nisi id nisl porta vestibulum.

Friday 18 December 2009

How to write orkut testimonial ourself

View in full screen HD mode to see clearly..


Sunday 13 December 2009

Posted by Picasa


Thursday 10 December 2009

Swami at APC, December 2009

ઘણા સમય પછી તમારું આગમન થયું છે મારા મનગમતાં મહેમાનનું મધુરું મિલન થયું છે.. :)
Click here for photos


Sunday 29 November 2009


If one day you feel like crying...
call me.
I don't promise you that I will make u laugh,
But i can cry with you.

If one day you want to run away...
Don't be afraid to call me.
I don't promise to ask you to stay,
But I can run with you.

If one day you don't want to listen to anybody,
Call me...
I promise to be very quiet.

If one day you call
and there is no answer...

Come fast to see me,
Perhaps I need you.


Friday 11 September 2009

પ્રારબ્ધને અહીંયાં ગાંઠે કોણ? - By C.M. Narendra Modi

પ્રારબ્ધને અહીંયાં ગાંઠે કોણ?
હું પડકાર ઝીલનારો માણસ છું
હું તેજ ઉછીનું લઉં નહીં
હું જાતે બળતું ફાનસ છું.

ઝળાહળાનો મોહતાજ નથી
મને મારું અજવાળું પૂરતું છે
અંધારાના વમળને કાપે
કમળ તેજતો સ્ફુરતું છે

ધુમ્મસમાં મને રસ નથી
હું ખુલ્લો અને નિખાલસ છું
પ્રારબ્ધને અહીંયાં ગાઠે કોણ?
હું પડકાર ઝીલનારો માણસ છું

કુંડળીને વળગવું ગમે નહીં
ને ગ્રહો કને શિર નમે નહીં
કાયરોની શતરંજ પર જીવ
સોગઠાબાજી રમે નહીં

હું પોતે જ મારો વંશજ છું
હું પોતે મારો વારસ છું
પ્રારબ્ધને અહીંયાં ગાંઠે કોણ?
હું પડકાર ઝીલનારો માણસ છું

-નરેન્દ્ર મોદી


Wednesday 2 September 2009

Good Poem...

एक जंग हारा हूँ मैं... ये कहना हैं मेरे यारो का
नतीजे का अखबारों में, दीवारों पे इश्तेहारों का

जो मिलता हैं मिल कर अफ़सोस जता देता हैं
होंठो के पोरो में दबी कोई बात बता देता हैं

कहते हैं बहुत बुरा हुआ, जो ये मेरे साथ हुआ
खवाब सारे चलते गए, अरमान हर धुँआ हुआ

मेरे कुछ कहने से पहले ही नजरिये बन चुके हैं
मैं हार चुका हूँ सब अपने आप समझ चुके हैं

आँखों में मेरी कुछ उदासी जो झलक आई थी
जाने कितनी ही बातें मौजूद हर शख्स ने बनायीं थी

सुन उनकी बातें मैं कुछ कुछ खुद पर शुबा करने लगा
क्या सच में हार चुका हूँ इस सवाल से डरने लगा

आईने में पोशीदा अक्स दिखा तो कुछ तस्सली हुई
की उसकी नजरो में अब तक मेरी चमक थी बची हुई

उससे बातो के चंद सिलसिले फिर जो चले
छंट गई धुंध तमाम, ख्वाब सारे खोये मिले

उसने कहा की क्या हुआ एक हार जो मिली
सांसे अब भी चल रही, नहीं थमी ये जिंदगी

की मौका मिला हैं तुझे जो, कमर तू फिर से
कसकितना ही कहे ये जमाना, होना न तू टस से मस

सफ़र अभी ख़त्म नहीं, ख़त्म काम नहीं
विराम तो था.. मगर ये पूर्ण विराम नहीं

हारा नहीं तू यार मेरे, जब तक तू रहा हैं
लड़जीतने कि हैं कूबत तुझमे, अपना तू विश्वास कर

उठ... , बढ़... कि... सफ़र ये पूरा कर
गिरे भी तू अगर, तो फिर उठ... फिर आगे बढ़


13th August, 2009 1:30 PM

Friends!! Time has stopped for me today...
I have received my CA Final result. I passed in First Group of Papers but Second Group was a horror.. I just dont think, but i know that i deserved more than this... And from last few hours since i got my result, i m constantly weeping from my heart... not bcoz i failed but i failed when i gave my 100%...

Nyways, I've lost the battle but not d fight. I'll come back and that's for sure. So for next 3 months, its me, my God and the Institute.. And till then, no orkut, no chat and no calls... For me, it's a question of proving my worth to my own self..
I know all u r always there with me.. Just pray for me..

Jai Swaminarayan


Saturday 4 July 2009


In 1990, the climax of Swamishri's four month stay in UK were the celebrations of the Diwali and Annakut Festival in London.After the festivities, Swamishri sat down for his lunch in the kitchen. The youths had decorated the kitchen with lighted candles and lamps ('divas'). As Swamishri was eating, one of the youths sang a prayer in Gujarati and said, "Swamishri we have lit this room with candles and lamps. Now please help us to illuminate our hearts with your light."Swamishri was pleased with the youth's prayer and said, "The flame of knowledge (gnan) is already lit within your heart. Now you have to ensure it doesn't blow out.""But how do we know whether the flame is still glowing?" asked one of the youths.Swamishri stopped eating and explained, "The flame of knowledge is said to be glowing if you can remain steady in Satsang through times of tears and laughter, honour and insult. If we keep this flame aglow at all times we will experience the bliss of God."Swamishri is an illuminated personality because the flame of knowledge is constantly glowing within his heart. He is in constant communion with God.


Monday 29 June 2009

To be successful, u need friends... But to be vry vry successful, u'll need enemies..


Saturday 27 June 2009

"Never fear the shadows. They simply mean there's a light shining nearby."
-Ruth E. Renkel



" Be as you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter ,and those who matter don't mind. "


Friday 29 May 2009

God is always with us..

Here is one inspiring incident from the Mahabharata... One which i meditate every time before my Exams or any important work... In the battle of Kurukshetra, Bhishma declared that on the eve of next day, either he or Arjuna wud survive… This caused a terrible chaos in the Pandavas as everyone knew that Bhishma was firm of his words and also he was having boon of "Iccha Mrityu".. On the other side Kauravas were all in rejoice very much assured of their victory as Arjuna was one who can beat them all singlehandedly…

That night was full of tension and worries for Pandava Camp... Even Lord Krishna was dispirited upon hearing this.. He thought He must be with His beloved Parth during such serious time and went to his hut to give some strength to Arjuna.. But amid His astonishment He found Arjuna sleeping very calmly… Surprised, He woke him up and asked, "Parth, don't you know about Bhishma's oath??" "Yes, I know that." Arjuna replied calmly. "Still you are able to sleep without any thoughts in your mind?" On that the Arjuna replied, " Lord, I know You are with me always. When i have surrendered to You, it is Your responsibility to save me tomorrow why should I be worried?? And on hearing that, even Lord Krishna was proud for His dearest "sakha".

This incident shows us the way of remaining calm in tense situations... Surrender totally to the divine and rest assure whatever He does will be the best for u... Just as we see it in HDH Pramukh Swami Maharaj...

Just as Akhsarbrahm Gunatitanand Swami puts it..
"ભગવાન તો હમેશા પોતાના ભક્તની રક્ષા માં જ છે, તે કેની પેઠે જે,
જેમ પાપણ આંખની રક્ષામાં છે,
માતા પોતાના પુત્રની રક્ષામાં છે,
અને રાજા પ્રજાની રક્ષામાં છે,
તેમ ભગવાન આપણી રક્ષામાં જ છે.."
Jai Swaminarayan...


Thursday 21 May 2009

My Links


અમે સૌ સ્વામી ના બાળક,મરીશું સ્વામીને માટે...

અમે સૌ સ્વામી ના બાળક,મરીશું સ્વામીને માટે;
અમે સૌ શ્રીજીતણા યુવક, લડીશું શ્રીજી ને માટે..... અમે

નથી ડરતા નથી કરતા, અમારા જાન ની પરવા;
અમારે ડર નથી કોઇ નો, અમે જન્મ્યા છીએ મરવા..... અમે

અમે આ યજ્ઞ આરંભ્યો, બલિદાનો અમે દઈશુ;
અમારા અક્ષ્રર પુરુષોત્તમ, ગુણાતીત જ્ઞાન ને ગાઈશુ..... અમે

અમે સૌ શ્રીજી તણા પુત્રો, અક્ષરે વાસ અમારો છે;
સ્વધર્મી ભસ્મ ચોળી તો, અમારે ક્ષોભ શાનો છે..... અમે

જુઓ સૌ મોતી ના સ્વામી, ન રાખી કાંઈ તે ખામી;
પ્રગટ પુરુષોત્તમ પામી, મળ્યા ગુણાતીત સ્વામી..... અમે


Wednesday 20 May 2009

ICAI Motto Song


Saturday 21 March 2009

You were so right!!

A recent poem by me.. This poem is addressed to God.. Generally as a human being we try very hard to find our own ways outta life... But a point always comes in everyone's life when we realise that the way He showed us was the best...


I was in the shallow lane,
Trying to get out of the frame;
You taught me the game..
And then, I was never same!

You made me walk through the night,
Oh! You were so right!!

Among shadows of thoughts,
And in the darkness galore;
You showed me the light,
Oh! You were so right!!

You showed me the way,
And made me walk the lane;
Yes it was so bright!
Oh! You were so right!!

For me, you are the mean,
And you are my end;
Only you are my might,
Oh! You were so right!!

I know you're always there,
In my life everywhere;
I know this is your plight,
Just as a mother to child!

Oh! You are so right!!!


Sunday 8 March 2009

Change...... (Got it somewhere on internet)

Here i am sitting in my office @ night…

Thinking hard about life

How it changed from a maverick collage life to strict professional life…...

How tiny pocket money changed to huge monthly paychecks

but then why it gives lesss happiness….


How a few local denim jeans changed to new branded wardrobe

but then why there are less people to use them


How a single plate of samosa changed to a full Pizza or burger

But then why there is less hunger…..


Here i am sitting in my office @ night…

Thinking hard about life

How it changed…..


How a bike always in reserve changed to bike always on

but then why there are less places to go on……


How a small coffee shop changed to cafe coffee day

but then why its feels like shop is far away…..


How a limited prepaid card changed to postpaid package

but then why there are less calls & more messages……


Here i am sitting in my office @ night…

Thinking hard about life

How it changed…...


How a general class journey changed to Flight journey

But then why there are less vacations for enjoyment….


How a old assembled desktop changed to new branded laptop

but then why there is less time to put it on……….


How a small bunch of friends changed to office mate

But then why we always feel lonely n miss those college frnz.….


Here i am sitting in my office @ night…

Thinking hard about life

How it changed….. How it changed……..

-Pratik Poddar

