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Tuesday 22 February 2011

My views on inter-views.

Friends, I’ve been giving a lot many interviews lately. And all those have given me different experiences along with some common patterns. I thought of sharing some of them here with you.

“Boy” turns “Man”:

Now here was my first interview. It was on 18th of December, 2010 if I am not mistaking the date. It was for the profile of a trainee in F&A department of some 150 Cr turnover company of my town. This being a first interview, I was nervous like hell. And to make it worse, I came to know about the interview only an hour before.

When you are appearing for first time, even questions like whether to wear a tie or not gives hack of a confusion to your mind. After asking two of the people from my family, I decided not to wear a tie as someone suggested that "only salesmen wear tie"!! Lol. Then there was a question of shirt. The opinion of people made me change three different shirts. Finally wore some formals and went for the interview.

For interview, I was to meet the CFO of the company. But as Mr. CFO was busy with some internal staff meetings, I had to wait for over an hour outside his cabin. Finally, was called inside by him.

The interview was good but the funniest thing came after that. After taking the interview, he took me to the person who would be my immediate superior in case I would be joining. He introduced me to him saying, “He is the man.”

Thwak! The last word hit bells in my mind. Yeah, I was a man now! Not some student boy looking for a summer internship. Though Mr. CFO used that word casually, but I was never addressed that way before. May be I was expecting him to say “he is the boy I talked you about”. From that point of time, I realized that I’ll be a professional soon (I was awaiting my CA results) and so I am no longer some junior-level wanna-be.

Though I didn’t took up that job as after a month I qualified as a CA and got many other opportunities, I would be really thankful to that Mr. CFO, my first interviewer, who made me realize that I am not a boy anymore.

