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Thursday 22 November 2007

Meeting with Swami

Hi friends... writing a post nearly after a month or so... actually during the month, there was nothing new to write about... i just have been to Sarangpur, Ghadhada, Gondal and Virpur last Sunday.. met swami there... he is just as fresh as any teen!!! great to see him after long "Videsh Yatra"... he just made me shy by showing such energy @ the age of 87! One other thing i noticed is u can do darshan of bapa from very near as compare to big cities like anand or abad as the rush of haribhaktos is less... as chintanbhai was wid me (we met there only), also got opportunity to personally meet swami... actually it matters me most coz from the next day, i was starting to read for CS... have taken leave for CS exams from today to first week of jan.. i have resolved to work hard but at the end of all it depends on what result it provides... ok. so only this much for 2day as now i m going to blog almost regularly due to loong vacation... bye for now.. keep mailing...

