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About me

An Indian, Swaminarayan and CA/CS Student. I think these three things describe myself best.

I belong to my God. Born for Swami, Born for BAPS.

You can reach to me by following pages.

Now, some more words... (As if u r gng to read it nywys)

I m not perfect. Yes, I've made mistakes.. Make them even today. Life didn't come with instructions manual for me. I have had life moments where I wanted to pause and yell "SERIOUSLY?!"

As a May born kid, I have very clear-cut beliefs and opinions, and usually no amount of persuasion makes me change my mind. You will find me generally on the extremes of a relationship – that is I will either be on the top of your buddy list or crowning your enemy list.

People often say that I have attitude problem n all, and I have straight-shooting directness. But only those who r close to me know that m very emotional n often love to keep my own deepest mysteries and trials to myself. I may appear calm and stable, but could really be ready to burst at any moment.

On negative side, I m very quick at holding grudges. At times, bcoz of my outspokenness, I may express myself in such acerbic speech or action that I end up making lifelong enemies, for i find it difficult not to be overly critical of anything or anyone to whom i take a dislike.

For me there's no sugar-coating whatsoever here, and I just hate flattery and flattering. But mind it, whenever I give a compliment to somebody, it's not as a condescending gesture, but rather a straight-out, honest assessment.

M most comfortable either alone or with the small circle of family and friends m closest to. These days i oftem enthusiastically seek out their company whenever possible and also get down lyk hell wen i dnt get it..

But but but,, I just love my frnds and they hold a lot of importance in my life, m sure they r not oblivious of that!! :) Tnx Guys..

And one of d greatest weaknesses (and strength too) of mine is- "What is denied, becomes strongly desired for me."
