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About the Blog/Title

Following the divine..

This blog is kind of a personal logbook.. It is collection of my ideas, thoughts, opinions on various topics and also contain some great thoughts by others.. I usually dont blog on a regular basis.. But still I love putting and sharing my views here.. As I said, it is a personal logbook, so I wish that after some years, when I'll be reading all those past posts again and again, I'll be able to cherish the life I m living right now at that moment.. And it will help me to "understand" myself and my evolution as a person. By this blog, I can speak to myself.

Title and Message:

The 'Footprints' is the title given to the blog. It means "charnarvindam" (divine footprints of God).

The title is basically inspired by an incident in the "Mahabharata" (Van Parava). While the Pandavas were living in forest after losing their everything in the game to Kauravas, they used to roam across the distances. During one of such days on their way, they got thrusty. So the Yudhishthira asked Bhima to look for some water source. After some search, Bhima found one lake of water. The water of the lake was really soothing. But as soon as he tried to take some water out of it, a mysterious voice beheld him. The voice told that he cant drink the water before giving answer to some questions. But Bhima neglected the voice and tried to have water. But as soon as he did it, he died. Then after it was turn of Arjuna, Nakula and Sahdeva. All of them had to suffer the same fate.

Then, the Yudhishthira came - searching for his four brothers. He was also confronted by the voice. The voice was actually of a Yaksha. The Yaksha asked him to answer some questions for the water.

One of the questions of the yaksha was - "Which is the best path one should select always?"

To this, Yudhishthira replied - "महाजनों येन गतः सा पन्थाः.." (Means, the path selected by the great people is the path one should always select)

(The real footprints of Lord Swaminarayan)
We should always follow the footprints of greats. And there is noone so great as God and the God-communion Sadhu. Actually the God-communion sadhu is himself the living "footprints" of the God.

I believe, the best way to live your life is according to the wish and the way expressed by the God and God-communion Guru. And in my life, I always want to follow their footprints throughout the life. This is the simplest and the best way to live a life according to me. And as this blog is all about me and my life, I've named it "Footprints".

So with this message that one should always follow the God and his Guru, the blog is named "Footprints".

May God give me the strength to live my life on path shown by Him. May He bless us the strength to follow his footprints.

Jay Swaminarayan..
