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Saturday 4 July 2009


In 1990, the climax of Swamishri's four month stay in UK were the celebrations of the Diwali and Annakut Festival in London.After the festivities, Swamishri sat down for his lunch in the kitchen. The youths had decorated the kitchen with lighted candles and lamps ('divas'). As Swamishri was eating, one of the youths sang a prayer in Gujarati and said, "Swamishri we have lit this room with candles and lamps. Now please help us to illuminate our hearts with your light."Swamishri was pleased with the youth's prayer and said, "The flame of knowledge (gnan) is already lit within your heart. Now you have to ensure it doesn't blow out.""But how do we know whether the flame is still glowing?" asked one of the youths.Swamishri stopped eating and explained, "The flame of knowledge is said to be glowing if you can remain steady in Satsang through times of tears and laughter, honour and insult. If we keep this flame aglow at all times we will experience the bliss of God."Swamishri is an illuminated personality because the flame of knowledge is constantly glowing within his heart. He is in constant communion with God.

