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Bhagwan Swaminarayan

Bhagwan Swaminarayan (1781 - 1830 CE) was born as Ghanshyam in the tiny village of Chhapaiya near Ayodhya in North India. Renouncing his home at the tender age of 11 after a deep study of Hindu scriptures, He performed an arduous seven year pilgrimage through Nepal, Eastern and Southern India before settling down in the Western state of Gujarat. Appointed as the spiritual successor of His Guru when He was just 21, Bhagwan Swaminarayan asked two boons from the Guru – "If your devotee is destined to suffer a single scorpion bite then let me, instead, suffer the pains of millions of scorpion bites on every pore of my body. And if your devotee is destined to take to the begging bowl then let it be my fate but your devotee should not suffer from want of food and clothing."

Bhagwan Swaminarayan then revolutionized society through spiritual and social reforms like,
  • stopping sacrificial killing of animals in yagnas
  • motivating all to live a value-based life
  • encouraging freedom from addictions like tobacco, alcohol, etc.
  • abolishing female infanticide
  • banning the practice of Sati (forced widow-burning)
  • promoting education among women
  • inspiring 3000 educated people to renounce the world and live as ascetics (sadhus)
...and countless other activities for the spiritual salvation of His followers

Working in tune with the Vedic tradition and in harmony with the direction shown by Bhagwan Swaminarayan, the Sanstha has been continuously nourished by an unbroken chain of enlightened Gurus.

His Journey throughout India:

"Neelkanth Kalyan Yatra"
Bhagwan Swaminarayan was knowned as "Neelkanth" during his teen years.

For thousands of years, many have willingly left the comforts of their home and family and set off across this spiritual land in search of these secrets. Their aim has been to reach a deeper understanding of existence and share the meaning of life that would elevate the rest of humanity. Of all such journeys, perhaps none is greater than the true story of an 11-year old child yogi, Neelkanth, who took an extraordinary journey through the wonders of mystic India. An adventure of hardships and survival, faith and fearlessness undertaken by a child. The only one of its kind in the history of mankind.

From 1792 to 1799, Neelkanth walked alone, barefoot and barebody, 8000 miles for 7 years through the length and breadth of India. Carrying no maps, no food and no clothing, how he crossed the roaring rivers, faced ferocious animals and survived the freezing winter of the Himalayas, is still a mystery. It is a story of struggle, of kindness and of courage even when face to face with a man-eating lion.

During His journey, He came across many "tirthas" (pilgrimages) and met many "mumukhsus" (devotees). He liberated them all by His divine presence.

His journey ended in 1799 in a small village of Gujarat, Loj. Where He found His Guru, Ramananda Swami.

"My Guru"

HDH Pramukh Swami Maharaj
Pramukh Swami Maharaj is the present form of Aksharbrahma through whom Bhagwan Swaminarayan is manifest on this earth. He tirelessly travels around the world; cleansing hearts, transforming lives and harmonising families. His gentle philosophy of socio-spiritual regeneration knows no barriers of caste, creed, color, wealth or literacy. He has visited over 15,500 cities and villages, sanctified some 250,000 homes, written more than 500,000 letters and personally counselled 810,000 people. He has delivered 22,000 discourses and built and consecrated 700 mandirs. He has weaned thousands from addictions and drugs and instilled fraternity and faith for God. He has established hostels and schools, hospitals and medical camps, provided aid in times of natural calamities and organized international festivals to preserve, protect and promote India’s rich culture, inter-faith harmony and universal brotherhood.

The followers are a peace-loving group of people wedded to a sincere discipline of no addictions, no stealing, and no illicit sex, a pure vegetarian diet and moral purity.

Today the Bochasanwasi Shri Akshar Purushottam Swaminarayan Sanstha is widely known and applauded for its work among the young generation, the socially and economically deprived and for its relentless drive against social evils, such as the dowry custom, drugs and other addictions. The Sanstha’s Volunteer Force of 45,000 is active in serving society. It is well known as the organization behind Akshardham (Gandhinagar) and Swaminarayan Hindu Mandir (London), two unparallelled landmarks of our age.

Jay Swaminarayan.

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