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Wednesday 6 January 2010

Office blogger..:)

Wow. for the first time m writing a blog from office... feel awkard to use office comp for blog... actually these days, office has become boring lyk nvr befor.. with most of the frnds leaving it.. today, there are no old pals like urvi, jaimin, sanjay here at office.. all are either on leave, have left or on audit... : :(

Okey... so wat shall i type here to roll my tym till 5.30?? hmm... lemme describe the office enviro.. it's pal.. lyk full of morrons.. who 've nthng to do in lyf but just to live.. and i m helplessly trying to pass remaining 2 odd weeks of my articleship anyhow with them here.. it's an awkward situation.. facing the pre-result blues and at the same tym missing the fun and support of frnds..:( but, it's lyf after all... even the nearby Uttarayan seems to have lost it’s charm..

Even after-office hours are not so exciting these days.. going home around 6 in the evening and then realising that there are still 6 hours to pass before sleeping.. oh no... and condition during the weekends is even worse.. today, the last thing on To Do list is to go for my eye check... may be i'll be writing my other posts after this in glasses..:)

Planning to buy a new phone... most probably the Samsung Omnia Pro.. the one with QWERTY key pad.. may be till next weekend.. so may be I write next post with glasses on and with my phone..:) sounds cool isn’t it..:) saw Avatar and 3 Idiots last week.. both are good with their own genres.. the later being bit extra melodramatic... nywys.. will have to sign off for now.. got some work to do.. bye frnds.. tc..

Jai Swaminarayan

