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Saturday 2 October 2010

Escapism Vs. Practicality and India: Part – 2

There is an interesting incident from the ancient India that I want to share here. I think it can be perfectly fitted in the situation the country is facing right now in the Ayodhya issue. Some of my friends have suggested that there should be neither a temple nor a mosque on that place. Rather, there should be a hospital/school/monument, etc.

In Mahabharata also, the battle of Kuruskshetra happened because of property issue (kingdom). Both the sides were fighting for their right over the kingdom of Mahabharata. However, at that time, Lord Krishna sensed the urgency of mediation between them without any battle because after all both the parties involved in fight were brothers and relatives only (Just as today both the parties are Indians only). After convincing the Pandavas He went to Duryodhana to tell him to give away some part of the land to the Pandavas. To this, Duryodhana said he would not give land equivalent to even “the tip of a needle”!! Just as the situation is right now.
Now, it is interesting to learn what Krishna did after this. He said the very famous lines which I m putting here in Gujarati.

“પાર્થને કહો ચઢાવે બાણ, હવે તો યુદ્ધ એ જ કલ્યાણ!!”
(Ask Arjuna to prepare his bow, now battle is the only solution)

As soon as the Lord sensed that there is no feasible solution to the issue, HE STOPPED BEING PRACTICAL. And more importantly He didnt escaped. What He said is - "now dharmayuddha is the only solution and only in it lies the "kalyan" of all".

He wanted an permenant solution. Mediation is the best option to be used in the first place but when it fails, one should not leave the matter as it is. To bring any battle – legal or otherwise to the final solution is “dharma” of both/all the parties involved in it. By not bringing the matter to solution, we are doing injustice to the problem itself. The problems without solutions only complicates the things more.

Once Lord felt that the battle is the only solution, He himself initiated that fire within the Pandavas. When Arjuna said Him that he dont want to fight for just a piece of land with his own brothers, Lord got angry on him. Krishna said him that it was not at his option - to fight or not. It was his dharma to fight. What Arjuna showed was not practicality, it was escapism. And Krishna saved him from that.

Today also, what India needs is the final solution. The solution that suits both the parties and puts the matter to end for always. I am not depicting one side as bad and the other as good, but the neccessity of final solution doesnt decreases due to that. It is always needed. Part time solutions like “build a park” are not expected. It will not put a final end to the issue.

In Mahabharata, what would’ve happened if Krishna said Pandavas to compromise and remain in forests forever? He could’ve said them this was the best option as it will save them from the battle, loss of lives, fear of failure, etc. etc. He was having all the reasons with Him to stop the fight. He could have easily stopped Pandavas from the battle. They wouldn't have denied Him. But He didnt even considered those escapist reason. He told Pandavas to fight it out. Same way, He also expected the Kauravas to do the same.

So, what i want to say here is, to remain peaceful and united as a society and as a nation, we should always try to reach to the final solution. And not leave a matter half-way down by some makeshift solution to it.

Because as i said earlier, solution is the “birthright” of every dispute. And to arrive at a solution, is the “dharma” of both the disputants. And it is the soultion only in which lies "param kalyan (liberation)" of the parties.

