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Tuesday 28 September 2010

Book Review : “One Night @ the Call Center”

Just read this Chetan Bhagat book last week. This was for first time I was reading the author. And having heard a lot on him, I was a bit critical and apprehensive about the book.

Also I always wondered how one can write a whole book on just 7-8 hours of some people's lives? The story revolves around six people working at a call center – Shyam, Priyanka, Vroom, Esha, Radhika and Military Uncle. It’s about their lives, problems they are facing in their private lives, their struggle with the circumstances, etc. Almost every young person can share his/her work life with them. Considering the book is for young readers, starting of the story is nice, specially the introduction of characters and the environment. The book is basically written as a narrative from Shyam, one of the characters.

Things I liked about the book:
  • One really good thing I felt about the story is, even if it revolves around a single night, and that too most of the time in a single place, and that too “a workplace”; still you won’t find the flow boring. It can generate enough curiosity in the mind of a reader to let finish the book at one stand.
  • Also the in-between chapters on dates between Shyam and Priyanka adds extra humour and gives necessary breaks from the office ambience to readers.
  • One compliment I must give to the author is that he has really wrote up his mind – openly. The way he has criticized the Americans’ mentality, the bitchiness of MNCs, the exploitation, etc.. The way he has openly criticized a cold-drink company for the shit they serve, or the Americans as being the dumbest and fearful population ever, kudos to him. No other author I’ve read can write it in such manner.
  • I read most of the book at night. Till I completed 80% of the book, the author didn’t impress me much. Then I went for some tea at 2.30 in night. And then when I started reading the other 20%, I was really impressed by the author. Everything of this book is contained in that 20% of it. But to understand and get the feel of that situation, at first you will also have to read former 80%. Really a good sign of a great story teller. According to me, the ideal story shall be like this only. The first part should prepare you towards the end, and the end shall leave you thinking. The thought provoking part shall always be in the later part of the book but also the former part shall also be interesting enough to keep up the tempo to read through last. This book earns perfect 10 on that front.
  • The way Chetan has characterized God is also very interesting. We often take God as some supreme authority who governs our life and notices every wrong-doings of us and punishes us for doing them. But we often forget that He is the best friend we have ever got. We are as old as He is. And we both know each other since inception of the all. If we see Him as a friend, we can solve almost all the problems we face in our life.
What I didn't like:

  • The author said the book represents youth of India. As far as he means youth of metro India, and that too only 40%-50% of them, he is right. The other youth of India is not exactly the same as depicted in the book. They don’t go to pubs, don’t engage in pre-marital sex or don’t sleep with someone for work. Till today, most of the girls in India won’t drink liquor with guys as shown in the book. That all could’ve been avoided.
  • One more thing that disappointed is, I as a younger guy, can’t recommend this book to some of my elder generation people despite knowing that it is really a good book. The reason is – same mentioned in the above paragraph. They wouldn’t be able to digest such pages. Though it didn’t make me much difference in reading those, it will make to them.
Who Should Read?
  • the young working generation,
  • people with a bad boss,
  • young vulnerable couples, including those who recently broke up,
  • wanna-be entrepreneurs,
  • and contemporary readers
    all such people will find this book really nice.
I would give this book 4 out of 5 any time. Really an enjoyable book. Good work Mr. Chetan. Now I m even more excited to read other books of this author.
Some Lines from the Book:

'Sure, remember Bakshi is not your boss, the ultimate boss is me. And I am with you. So what are you afraid of?' God said.
'Excuse me, but you are not there with us always. Or how did we end up here?' Radhika said.
God sighed before speaking again. 'I think you need to understand how my system works. You see, I have a contract with all human beings. You do your best, and every now and then, I will come behind to give you a bonus push. But it has to begin with you. For otherwise, I can't distinguish who needs my help most.'

Other Sources:
About Author
About Book

At last, your views and comments on this review are welcomed.



have got the book and have never started to read ... The last paragraph about GOD saying is just awesome ...

Good review !!
