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Saturday 24 April 2010

That Sinking Feeling

Why it happens that wen we dont get sumthing which we have made so-called "sole object" of our life, we start hating all other good things/persons we already have around us.. That time, no body and nothing can make us happy.. That temporary anger or agony of not having/being something makes us so much weaker and probably meaner.. We even forget the fact that we have got many gr8 things except that.. and also that there are many ppl in the world who r living in a hell darker then we live into..

If you are a ranker and still u dnt get the job u desired, u'll feel like hell.. that time, why one cant think that he actually got sumwhere where all his fellow students wished to.. at that time, only that "lack of desired job" supersedes everything.. every other joy.. this happens with all.. a ranker or a last bencher.. we all want sumthing and wen we dont get that sumthing, all sweet things sound bitter.. We start blaming ourself.. our near ones and even God at times.. the world just seems meaner everyday...

That temporary depression (or watever u call it) shuts our eyes to such an extent that we knowingly turn ourselves off from all the other good things.. And that does nothing except dragging us more into that deep well of darkness and failure..

It's too tough to get out of this.. Not only for us, but for the people around us too.. Our best wishers.. But to remain positive is the only one way to get out.. And that is the only thing one should be doing.. But it's too difficult.. coz u've 86400 seconds in a day and u dnt knw at which second, a negative thought will take over ur mind.. Who would u fight in such situation?? What would u do?? Will u try to conquer urself from negative thoughts or will u try to conquer the outside situation?? The fact is one has to do both and eventually losses himself around...

Cant find a way to this endless ocean of black.. Sorry my frnds..


Parth Dave

