Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas mattis nisi felis, vel ullamcorper dolor. Integer iaculis nisi id nisl porta vestibulum.

Sunday 19 October 2008


Hi frnzzz!!!!
It has been a quite long long time i have been out of bolgger... meanwhile during this time, i have been through so many experiences... some good and some bad... went to Lonavala once again this august just to stuck there in heavy rains... met Swami in Anand... got over another season of busy tax audits in September and what not... but that's all r past now.. what currently i want to focus on is future as i m waiting for what one can call the toughest test of my life... CS and CA Final back to back... got leave from office after the Diwali for CS Finals... after passing Intermediate last year, i m quite confident about Finals but hey u cant afford to be too more confident when it comes to professional exams... to be honest, m still in first gear for preparing for exmas, hardly read an hour or so even on weekends... watever... currently will have to leave now as i have to arrange my room for Diwali... C u next time guys... do keep posting ur comments.. Happy Diwali in advance...

