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Thursday 20 December 2007

Its official now... Akshardham the biggest Hindu Temple on Earth

Akshardham- Delhi is declared largest Hindu Temple on earth by GUINESS BOOK OF WORLD RECORDS on 17th Dec. 2007


Wednesday 19 December 2007

The Real Knowledge Society

As a Citizen of a nation which is a founder of Democracy and also a largest democracy in the world, a student of the Constitution and a "first time amature" voter, i really enjoyed the state elections held last sunday....

But one incident really sprung some questions in my mind... r v really democratic in true sense??... A day b4 elections, my mom was just having some talks with our House Maid who said she will come late next day as she had to vote... Mom just asked her which party she is going to vote and she told she has not decided that and rather she would vote the party to which her son says to....

These incident really aroused many thoughts in my mind... Friends today we are boasting of India as a knowledge society. BUT R WE REALLY A KNOWLEDGE SOCIETY? i feel knowledge society is not that which knows about the latest developments in Software, Bio-tech, medicine or accounting GAAP... but the true knowledge society is that which knows about ITSELF... Even today also most of the voters give their votes to the candidate on the basis of cast or personality... Bocz they have hardly any knowledge to understand the development work done by any candidate...

This is the country where the same government who makes laws to prevent Cyber Crimes, Money Laundering also has to make laws for abolition of untouchability!!! My Knowledge Society is that where each citizen is aware atleast about his society... the person in the village should have same knowledge of politics as a person in any metro... then and then only the Country can be truly democratic and this will also make political parties to appoint good educated peoples as candidates rather than local gundas who have influence on local public... and if people are such aware then the candidates will also work for the development as they will be assured that this will make them win polls...

In current situation, a good person who wants to work for the development can not take risk to fight the elections only with this point.. bcoz majority of public which is from rural and interior areas will not vote him for only this as they have no concern for development.. they just see the surname, local influence or sometime just the election sign of the candidate...

In democracy every1 is given a WEAPON of vote.. but it is equally important to know how 2 use it... Have very much to say on role of IT and TV News channels but currently have to stop due to lack of time... Bye...


BAPS Centenary Celebrations ~ Jay Swaminarayan...

Its not a full fledge MNC... but still it's centres are spread all over the World....

Its not managed by B-School whiz kids... but still its strength lies in the "niswarth seva" of its Santos and thousands of Volunteers and millions of devotees worldwide...

It is not leaded by a multi-millioner business tycoon.. but by a divine saint who has not even a single paisa in His own name...

And its not working for earning money... it works for the World peace and religious values...

This is what the BAPS is... the first organisation of its kind in the history of the world....

And i m proud to be "a sevak" of this Organisation.... Jay Swaminarayan...

For more details on the celebrations, click here.


Thursday 22 November 2007

Meeting with Swami

Hi friends... writing a post nearly after a month or so... actually during the month, there was nothing new to write about... i just have been to Sarangpur, Ghadhada, Gondal and Virpur last Sunday.. met swami there... he is just as fresh as any teen!!! great to see him after long "Videsh Yatra"... he just made me shy by showing such energy @ the age of 87! One other thing i noticed is u can do darshan of bapa from very near as compare to big cities like anand or abad as the rush of haribhaktos is less... as chintanbhai was wid me (we met there only), also got opportunity to personally meet swami... actually it matters me most coz from the next day, i was starting to read for CS... have taken leave for CS exams from today to first week of jan.. i have resolved to work hard but at the end of all it depends on what result it provides... ok. so only this much for 2day as now i m going to blog almost regularly due to loong vacation... bye for now.. keep mailing...


Monday 19 November 2007

Direct Tax Collections

Direct tax collections recorded a growth of over 42.9 percent up to the period from 1 April 2007 to 15 November 2007. Net tax collections stood at Rs.1,40,373 crore, up from Rs.98,216 crore during the same period last fiscal.
Read ITD Press Release...


Friday 9 November 2007

nICe oNE...


H.A.P.P.Y. D.I.P.A.W.A.L.I.


Sunday 21 October 2007

Limited Revision to Accounting Standard (AS) 15, Employee Benefits (revised 2005)

Limited Revision to Accounting Standard (AS) 15, Employee Benefits (revised 2005)

The Council of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India has decided to make limited revision to Accounting Standard (AS) 15, Employee Benefits (revised 2005), with a view to
provide the following:

(i) Under the Transitional Provisions, an option has been given to charge additional liability arising upon the first application of the Standard as an expense over a period upto 5 years. On the lines of IAS 19, the Transitional Provisions of revised AS 15 require disclosure of un-recognised amount.
(ii) An entity may disclose the amounts required by paragraph 120(n) as the amount determined for each accounting period prospectively from the transitional date.

For further details with Examples use the following path:


Audit : AS 30 & 31 Approved by ICAI w.e.f 01.04.2009

The Council of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, at its 273rd meeting held on October 10-12, 2007, approved the Accounting Standard (AS) 30, Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement and Accounting Standard (AS) 31, Financial Instruments: Presentation. These Accounting Standards will come into effect in respect of accounting periods commencing on or after 1-4-2009 and will be recommendatory in nature for a period of two years. As a consequence of issuance of AS 30, limited revisions to eight Accounting Standards, viz., AS 2, AS 11 (revised 2003), AS 21, AS 23, AS 26, AS 27, AS 28 and AS 29 have also been made. The approved Standards and the consequential limited revisions will be issued shortly.
AS 30 establishes principles for recognition, derecognition and measurement of financial instruments. For the purpose of the Standard, financial instruments are classified into financial assets or financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss, held-to-maturity investments, loans and receivables, available-for-sale financial assets and other financial liability. AS 30 also establishes principles for hedge accounting. AS 31 primarily establishes principles for presenting financial instruments as liabilities or equity and related principles of interest, dividends, losses and gains. The principles in this Standard complement the principles established in AS 30. As 30 and AS 31 are based on the corresponding International Accounting Standards, viz., IAS 39, Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement and IAS 32, Financial Instruments: Presentation, respectively. There are no material differences between AS 30 and IAS 39, and AS 31 and IAS 32. Accounting Standard corresponding to IFRS 7, Financial Instruments: Disclosures, is under preparation and will also be issued in near future

Source : -


Saturday 20 October 2007

Ghanshyam Maharaj @ Bochasan - GLORY IN ITS TRUE FORM


Boldness Changes Everything..... nice advertisement....


Tuesday 9 October 2007

Need ur advice on following point

Hi friends. Click on the link below, read the discussion and provide ur valuable inputs...


Sunday 7 October 2007


Friday 28 September 2007

The October Connection...


The See Saw...

This week is like a see-saw for me... the week started with the quite a strange incident... this monday, i was planning to leave for A'bad to submit my CS Exam form. But suddenly @ 6.30 in the morning, got up an SMS from my frend asking me whether i m all right or not!! On asking why he messaged such question to me, he told he saw me very bad dream for me... ha ha quite strange but on hearing this, i cancelled my a'bad trip...
Considering this incident i thought this week is not going to be ok. but i was wrong. this is one of the good time of me in office as well as @ home.. up to today i have enjoyed the week very much and hope to continue this party till weekend...


Sunday 23 September 2007

Divine moods...



Thursday 20 September 2007


Hi..... It has been very long since i wrote my last post. Actually on other side, i also had no big news to share with. I've just been to Lonavala in the start of this month for audit off course.. Went there for audit of one hotel... had a nice experience... really a beautiful place to see... not the place where i can live for whole of my life but u must visit such place once in a yr to overcome the stress of monotonous work life... but hey more important news... the day when i left for lonavala, i.e. last day of Aug, was also the last day for YUVAK PARAYAN held @ Akshar Farm... we had organised annakuta on that day and i will never forget for the whole of my life that i did not attended that sabha... but this sorrow of mine was compensated when i came to know that Akshar Farm Mandal's parayan has been chosen as best Parayan among all other 9 yuvak mandals in Anand.... wow that's a big moral booster for me... anyways more in the news is i m now focusing on my CS inter. Will fill uo the exam form within 2-3 days.... Ok its time to go for me now... bye....


Wednesday 15 August 2007


Hi frends, wass up....
Here i m with my another post...
Its 4.30 pm in noon and i m sitting idle in front of my pc waiting to go to Akshar Farm for Shravan's parayan... today is the last day of parayan which i have hardly attended for 2 days...
Bdw from this i just remembered my new resolution for this month. It is 15th of the month and i have still not implemented these resoultins as it usually happens wid me... :-D
One of the resolution is to get up early (@ 6.00) But still i can not get off from my bed till its 8 - 8.15 or sometimes even 9.00. Huhhh,, i m losing 2-3 hrs of life per day... Mus t work on it from 2day....
Another resolution is to do some CS studies as the Schedule for December CS Exams is out... I think i have reasonably implmented this resolution and started taking it seriously... but still need to do a lot...
And last but most imp resolution is to increase the SQ (Spiritual Quotient) of mine. I think i really have to work hard on this at least for my good mental health is the forthcoming testing yrs to come... previously i used to go to temple daily... but now i go hardly once in a week... and this is really showing up in my changed behaviour.... very alarming... will have to take a u-turn...

So these are all my resolutions for the month... now its 4.45 and its time to muggle with Direct Taxes Book so good bye for now... see u again....


Friday 22 June 2007


Hi friends. It is 22nd June 07 and its 3.30am in d morning. 2day didn't slept for whole night in hope to get into the CS books but alas... this Orkuting ruined all my plans. So now,having alrady taken my bath, i m trying to pass my time till it is 6.00 and i can have my morning tea. So why not talk about yesterday....

Yesterday was just a routine day.. Wake up @ 9.00 and hurried up for office. From office went to audit of Central Bank of India. Just did routine check. Nothing new. In lunch, there was one additional member with me and Sanjay - CA Roopin Sir. Good personality. He is the person who can look like a CA.. not like other dumb CAs. Ok. Fine. After audit, came at sweet home at 5.50. As it was Thursday, called up friend for making arrangements of tomorrow's sabha. But here came the rain!!! So went to my room. Chated with one old college friend on net for sometime, took dinner with family and than again started pc from 12.00. Till now, i m busy with it!!!??? I m now very strictly thinking to give only 1/2 hour a day to net. Hope i would succeed in this resolution.

By the way i have one other problem too. Currently i feel very confused. I feel like my decision making ability is reduced. I can not take fast and firm decisions. This is becuase i feel i think a lot!!! Must have to overcome this.

Ok bye for now....

