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Sunday 13 March 2011

From Air

Hi guys.

There is something different with this blog post. I m writing this blog from Air.

Flying in the IndiGo flight from Mumbai to Delhi for official work. Was getting bore so planned to use the laptop. Currently just went past Udaipur. It is 6.55 in my watch and the sight of horizon outside the window is fascinating. It is like a large rainbow spread all across the skies. First the dark blue on top, then sky blue, then orange, yellow and dark gray finally. These colour strips on the horizon are thrilling to see from this much top. I fear I cant describe it properly - one needs to see it to realise how great the beauty is.

And so is the case of sea of Mumbai which just went pass before 30 minutes. The city of Mumbai, it's beaches and harbours, huge ships over the sea, everything was just amazing from several thousand feets above them.

Now as I am writing this, it is 7.30. The flight has arrived in Delhi sky. And the night scenes of the city from window are undescribable. Beneath me is the city of Hastinapur. The capital of India, the Delhi. The plane is flying low and from here, the lights of city amid the darkness of night makes me feel like I am in space with millions of stars clustered together.

Will have to stop typing now as the plane is preparing for ground and need to switch off the gadgets.

Will be in Delhi for next 10 days. Let's see if the whole trip comes like this experience.


