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Wednesday 23 June 2010

To God,

This pic of street lamp was taken by me on my visit to Delhi last week while walking down the Rajpath.. Found it very interesting to paste down the my favourite self-written poem.. Kind of fusion of two of my prominent hobbies.. Photography and writing..:)



Hi frends..

Writing this post after relatively longer time gap.. Two months almost.. At first i was busy with my CA Final exams which ended on 17th of May and then, with GMCS Training at Ahmedabad.. After that, also made a trip to Akshardham, New Delhi last week.

There is nothing on mind as of now to share with u.. Just waiting eagerly for results.. And even dont want to think anything.. not even the results..

The trip to Akshardham was really good to peace up my mind and soul.. I learned to kind of stop back and have a broad look at things i've been doing in my life from in-and-out.. Finding my tune of life these days.. Hope i learn it sooner as it's the high time now..

Today is the 26th Marriage Anniversary of Mom and Dad.. They completed 25 years together.. They've taken leave for this and i m at home as always i usually m these months.. So me too joining their happiness.. Hope i can mulitply their joys next month with results..
Jai Swaminarayan..


