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Wednesday 15 August 2007


Hi frends, wass up....
Here i m with my another post...
Its 4.30 pm in noon and i m sitting idle in front of my pc waiting to go to Akshar Farm for Shravan's parayan... today is the last day of parayan which i have hardly attended for 2 days...
Bdw from this i just remembered my new resolution for this month. It is 15th of the month and i have still not implemented these resoultins as it usually happens wid me... :-D
One of the resolution is to get up early (@ 6.00) But still i can not get off from my bed till its 8 - 8.15 or sometimes even 9.00. Huhhh,, i m losing 2-3 hrs of life per day... Mus t work on it from 2day....
Another resolution is to do some CS studies as the Schedule for December CS Exams is out... I think i have reasonably implmented this resolution and started taking it seriously... but still need to do a lot...
And last but most imp resolution is to increase the SQ (Spiritual Quotient) of mine. I think i really have to work hard on this at least for my good mental health is the forthcoming testing yrs to come... previously i used to go to temple daily... but now i go hardly once in a week... and this is really showing up in my changed behaviour.... very alarming... will have to take a u-turn...

So these are all my resolutions for the month... now its 4.45 and its time to muggle with Direct Taxes Book so good bye for now... see u again....

