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Friday 22 June 2007


Hi friends. It is 22nd June 07 and its 3.30am in d morning. 2day didn't slept for whole night in hope to get into the CS books but alas... this Orkuting ruined all my plans. So now,having alrady taken my bath, i m trying to pass my time till it is 6.00 and i can have my morning tea. So why not talk about yesterday....

Yesterday was just a routine day.. Wake up @ 9.00 and hurried up for office. From office went to audit of Central Bank of India. Just did routine check. Nothing new. In lunch, there was one additional member with me and Sanjay - CA Roopin Sir. Good personality. He is the person who can look like a CA.. not like other dumb CAs. Ok. Fine. After audit, came at sweet home at 5.50. As it was Thursday, called up friend for making arrangements of tomorrow's sabha. But here came the rain!!! So went to my room. Chated with one old college friend on net for sometime, took dinner with family and than again started pc from 12.00. Till now, i m busy with it!!!??? I m now very strictly thinking to give only 1/2 hour a day to net. Hope i would succeed in this resolution.

By the way i have one other problem too. Currently i feel very confused. I feel like my decision making ability is reduced. I can not take fast and firm decisions. This is becuase i feel i think a lot!!! Must have to overcome this.

Ok bye for now....

